Keeping fit and in shape is a task which need not be as arduous as you imagine it to be. Guess how your phone can get you working out? Or at least, something more than your overworked finger muscles? I’m definitely talking about the new and well, not so new apps on the block which do just the the trick. In this era of smartphone app world domination, can an important daily task like a workout regime be left out from the domain of app building? Definitely not, as some of these apps prove it well. Another plus is that most of the ones listed here come for free, saving you the expenses of sophisticated tracking instruments. Worth checking out, don’t you think so?
Endomondo Sports Tracker Pro
So while you do your running, walking and cycling, Endomondo silently keeps track of all the distance and time information.
You can have an audio coach which keeps you going and you can beat your friends for time in competition.
Don’t know where to start? Well, not to fret…there are maps to help you find new workout place. Moreover, you could even enter your custom training workouts and track down all your exercise.
Here’s the link:
You could invest in some stand-alone pedometers and logging devices to track movement, but investing in a smartphone gets you something pretty much up to the standard as well.
Moves can keep track of the number of steps taken and the distances covered. Want to know how active you’ve been all day? No problem, Moves enables you to view a timeline and activity map, so you can figure out accurately where, at which points you have been most active.
Check it out at :
What goes on in our heads while we are sleeping? We spend a third of our life asleep and remain unaware of what really goes on during that time.
Sleepbot is an app that endeavours to give you an insight into your sleep patterns. It provides a simple yet comprehensive sleep tracking solution. It can track your movements, your hours of deep sleep, under what conditions you may wake up at night and lots more. So if you are worried about your sleep patterns, this app goes out of the way to tell you just what you might be missing, so you can wake up refreshed every morning.
Here’s where you can gt it:
MyFitnessPal Calorie Counter
So everyone’s afraid of the calorie monster. If you are one of those for whom resisting the plethora of enticing junk food is nearly impossible, here is something that might motivate you reconsider touching those deep-fried potato chips. It kind of comes in the form of an app…one that makes you aware of exactly what you wolf down. Make sure you don’t cross a daily calorie limit and you could find it a wee bit easier to lose all that flab.
It keeps about 3 million food item information recorded in its database, so no worries in getting correct information as to what exactly you consume and its effect. It even gives you the option of creating your customized food items, and lets you scan the barcode of food items.
And as a plus, it also lets you keep track of your exercise and evaluate your progress.
Get it here:
Run Keeper
Run Keeper does pretty much what it says. Keeps track of your runs, that is. And more, because you can also track your walking, cycling and more apart from running.
You can keep listening to your music and be in control of it during your workout. You can also look at some reports and statistics and theres always a feature of audio coach to get you perspiring.
And good news for the social media addicts….you could even share your route and workout stats to Facebook, Twitter and the RunKeeper website. So you could show off your efforts to the world!
This is where you can check it out:
Workout Scheduler
This is one of the highest rated apps in the fitness area, and comes for free from Mango Technologies. The app gives you a listing of over a thousand workouts, each with detailed instructions, along with images to help you understand the exercises.
The app also caters to particular body type needs. You could also target certain parts from where you need to shed weight.
It’s available at:
PushUp Workout
Care to workout your upper body to get yourself into better shape? Fret not, Pushup workout makes it easier for you. With 9 different difficulty levels, starting from beginner and moving on to more advanced, the hardest level of difficulty requires you to be able to do a 100.
What better way of getting into shape without making your pocket any lighter for it? You need no special equipment, and do it right in the comfort of your home.
Get it from right here:
7 Minute Workout
Facing a time crunch? Who isn’t, when we have such a tight daily schedule. Finding the extra time to give to your workout is difficult, we agree. So 7 minute workout app is a blessing because really, it doesn’t take more than the seven minutes from your day, and gives you a well sorted fitness regime. What more can you ask for? There are 12 exercises that you cover in exactly 7 minutes, with nothing more than yourself and a chair. Maximum 3 sets and you have a great way to start your day.
Take a look at:
So happy exercising folks!