After the famous acquisition of WhatsApp by Facebook, the new version of WhatsApp brings the flexibility of hiding the infamous “Last seen” feature and “Pay for a friend” on the new WhatsApp:
How to hide last seen on WhatsApp:
Step 1: Go to WhatsApp “Settings” from the top right icon and select the “Accounts” option
Step 2: Under the Accounts page, select the “Privacy” option
Step 3: Click on “Last seen”
Step 4: You will get a pop up with 3 options. Select the one which suits you. You can select “Nobody” to avoid anyone in your contacts to see your Last seen time.
How to pay for a friend on WhatsApp:
Step 1: Go your friends profile and click on the top right settings icon
Step 2: Select “Pay for a friend” and select the subscription plan
You have the options to pay via Google Wallet or via Internet. Select the one that suits you and your friend will get the selected WhatsApp subscription!
These two new features got our attention. Did you find something new which you would like to share with you? Do leave a comment and let us know.