You consider yourself lucky because she is in your life. Right? You keep telling your friends how she added so much happiness to your life. But, do you know that she considers herself even luckier to have found you. Yes, there are countless times, when you have also done some sweet things that didn’t only strengthen your relationship with her but also won her heart. From bringing a wide smile on her face when she was sad to making her feel secure when she was low, you left no pebbles unturned to strengthen your relationship. Wondering what those are?
Here are 9 Times you won her heart with your sweet gestures:
1. When You Sent Her A Love Letter
She was having a dull day and then, you mailed her a love letter which brought a beaming smile on her face. She felt loved and special that day. So, keep showering your love upon her every now and then with your love letters because she hearts it.
2. When You Made Dinner For Her
For she always keep pleasing your taste buds by cooking your favorite dishes, you should also reciprocate the same love and you absolutely behaved very sweet when you cooked something for her for the first time. Right? And, you must also remember that bright smile on her face and that hug she gave you when you cooked for her.
3. When You Wore The Outfit She Gifted You.
She found it really cute when you wore the outfit she gifted you on your birthday. She felt important and loved by your this sweet gesture. Yes, remember how she jumped with happiness when she saw you wearing the apparel she gifted you? Even though you didn’t like it much but you wore that outfit just to make her happy. It is really appreciable.
4. When You Lent A Kiss On Her Forehead
To assure her that you will be always there for her in every situation, you lent a kiss on her forehead. Can there be anything as sweet as this? This is how she fell in love with you again. When you kissed on her forehead it told her how much you care for her. That’s exactly when she found the man of her life.
5. When You Surprised Her On Every Occasion
Those several times when you placed an order of a cake online and sent her on every special occasion, it made her feel super special. These sweet surprises by you always heightened her happiness and made your presence felt even if you were miles apart from her. You actually proved her that your love knows no boundaries.
6. When You Asked Her For A Candlelight Dinner
She was clueless about the candlelight dinner you were planning for. She hugged you tight with a smile when you asked her out for a candlelight dinner. She was so happy by this surprise and the everything was so romantic that night. Isn’t it? This is how you made her feel special and happy by planning a candlelight dinner with her.
7. When You Took A Stand For Her
Every time when you took stands for her, you won her heart. The several times you defended her when anyone said anything against her, you made her feel loved. Your this gesture strengthened your relationship with her.
8. When You Protected Her Always
Every girl wishes that her partner should be protective. You must have protected your girl from every hardship. And, when you did that, it made her feel secure. She started feeling more comfortable with you. So, make sure to protect her always.
9. When You Promised To Stay With Her Forever
Whenever you assured her that you shall always be with her through every situation, good or bad, it strengthened your bond with her. Your promise to be with her always was so meaningful that it brought happy tears in her eyes. Isn’t it?
These were the few sweet gestures you make towards your girl that touch not just her heart but her soul. So, keep loving your girl and make your bond stronger with her.
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