“Love in the time of Artificial Intelligence”: A Campaign by Team Niki
# Love in the time of Artificial Intelligence
What is love? It is a question that has been keeping lovebirds and philosophers awake at night since centuries. But there was a new version of this question that kept us, the geeks at niki.ai, very intrigued. What is love for the artificial intelligent bots? In this age of Siri, Niki and digital assistants, what are the emotions and rationales involved in this enigma called love? Is it artificial love, just like their intelligence (& like your Ex #Burn). Or is there more to it that than what meets the eye, and these machines can ‘learn’ to love and be loved? With Valentine’s Day round the corner, we decided to open up a critical question, in our quest for understanding love in the time of AI, to our users: How would you ask out an AI bot? What will be enough to woo the most smartest of machines? We needed the users to be creative, witty and think out of the box more than anything else. And boy did they deliver!
We started off by coming up with a few styles ourselves, after a thorough analysis of ice breakers used by people on Tinder and pubs and gatherings. Based on our results, we finalized 4 styles: Nerds, Desi Hipsters, and because Bollywood needed a better representation it had 2 styles: Filmy & Arijit Singh Inspired Romeo. We came up with ideas on how each of these personas will propose Niki in their own fashion. You can look at what we came up with below:
When we posted this on our Facebook page, we weren’t sure of the response. Will people be as intrigued as us by this fascinating conundrum? Will people understand the bot references we had used? Will people contribute to this endeavor? Well, they did. And did in numbers. And with interesting responses. So what does Indians think about asking out an AI bot? Check it out below:
It has been a fun experiment and campaign! We enjoyed the responses, and we are now even more curious about how, if even possible, are we going to love or receive love from these bots? The future will see us interacting with AI bots for even daily tasks. And the future is very close. So this is a pressing issue that needs some resolution. If you have something to add to this story, and be a fellow seeker in this journey, comment to us or connect with us.
Team Niki