Japan Earthquake 2011 – Find missing people or add information about people using Google’s Person Finder tool. If you’re looking for someone, use the tool to search for people in the available records. Or if you have information about someone, help others find it by creating a record.
You can visit http://japan.person-finder.appspot.com/ or access the tool directly from this page. The application is created by Google.
Another application that might be useful is the Red Cross Society’s Safe and Well where you can search for missing people or list yourself as safe. Visit https://safeandwell-mobile.communityos.org/cms/
To contact the state department – JapanEmergencyUSC@state.gov for citizens in Japan and 1-202-501-4444 for citizens overseas.
Other helplines – (+81) 411-0011, 411-0012, 415-2272, 0929-4447372 and 0927-6760652.
The Foreign Office – 020 7008 0000, From UK(FCO helpline) – 020 7008 0000