
How to Call Landline Using Globe: Step-by-step Guide


In today’s fast-paced digital world, staying connected is more critical than ever. Despite the growing popularity of mobile phones, landline telephones continue to remain a reliable and vital medium for communication. Particularly in the Philippines, where Globe Telecom is a major provider, understanding how to make calls to landlines using Globe can be extremely valuable. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process, ensuring you can reach out to those important landline numbers with ease and confidence. Whether you’re a seasoned user or a novice, this guide is designed to simplify your calling experience with Globe.

Step-by-step Guide

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Step 1: Open Your Phone’s Dialing Pad

First things first: you need to open the calling application on your mobile phone. All phones have a built-in app for making calls, typically represented by a phone icon.

Step 2: Dial the Area Code

Next, you’ll need to dial the two or three-digit area code for the location you are calling. For instance, if you’re calling a landline in Manila, the area code is ’02’.

Step 3: Dial the Landline Number

After you’ve entered the area code, immediately follow it with the seven-digit landline number you wish to reach. If you’re calling a landline outside of Metro Manila, the number may be six or seven digits long.

Step 4: Ensure Correct Format

To summarize, the correct format to dial a landline using Globe in the Philippines is: (Area Code) + (Landline Number). Note: Do NOT put a space, dash, or any character between the area code and the landline number when dialing.

Step 5: Press the Call Button

Once you’ve confirmed that the number is in the correct format, press the call button, and your call will be connected.

By following these steps, you can effortlessly call any landline in the Philippines using your Globe mobile phone. It’s a simple process, but an essential one to master in order to stay connected in today’s fast-paced world.

Why use Globe to Call a Landline?

Globe Telecom is a popular choice for calling landlines due to a number of compelling reasons. Firstly, Globe offers affordable and flexible call rates, allowing users to connect with landlines without worrying about high costs. Secondly, the company has a wide network coverage, ensuring that you can reach out to any part of the country without issues. Additionally, Globe’s voice call quality is consistently clear, making for efficient and effective communication. Lastly, Globe provides a number of convenient features such as call waiting and call forwarding, enhancing the calling experience for users. In a world where reliable communication is key, Globe stands out as a trustworthy option.


Pros and Cons of Using Globe to Call a Landline

Like any telecommunications service, using Globe to call a landline has its pros and cons. On the positive side, Globe’s affordable call rates, wide network coverage, and array of features make it an attractive option for users. The consistent clarity of voice calls ensures efficient communication, which can be particularly important in a business context. However, there are some potential drawbacks to consider. While Globe’s coverage is extensive, it may not be as robust in more remote regions of the country, which could lead to connection issues. Additionally, during peak hours, users might experience reductions in call quality due to the high volume of traffic. Weighing these benefits and drawbacks can help you decide whether Globe is the right choice for your landline calling needs.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

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Despite Globe’s reliable service, users may occasionally encounter problems when trying to call a landline. Here are some common issues and their respective solutions:

  1. Unable to Connect: If you’re unable to connect to a landline, first check the number you’ve dialed. Ensure that you have the correct area code and number. If the problem persists, try restarting your device.
  2. Poor Call Quality: If you’re experiencing poor call quality, this could be due to network congestion, especially during peak hours. Try making the call at a different time or move to an area with better reception.
  3. Call Drops: Dropped calls can occur due to network instability. Ensure you’re in a location with strong network coverage. If the problem persists, consider contacting Globe’s customer service for further assistance.
  4. Charges Higher than Expected: If your bill is higher than expected, make sure you understand the tariff plan you’re on. Globe’s customer service can provide detailed explanations of their tariff plans if needed.

Remember, while it is not common to experience these issues, knowing how to troubleshoot can save you time and stress. Should these solutions not resolve your issue, Globe’s customer support is readily available to assist.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about using Globe to call a landline:

  1. How do I dial a local landline number using my Globe mobile?

To dial a local landline number using your Globe mobile, just add the local area code before the landline number. For instance, if you’re calling a Manila landline, you would dial 02 before the 7-digit number.

  1. Is there a difference in charges when calling landline numbers during peak hours?

No, Globe charges the same rate for calling landline numbers regardless of the time. However, network congestion during peak hours might affect the call quality.

  1. What should I do if I consistently experience poor call quality or dropped calls?

If you’re consistently experiencing poor call quality or dropped calls, consider reaching out to Globe’s customer service. They can help identify and resolve any underlying network issues.

  1. Can I call international landline numbers using Globe?

Yes, Globe allows you to call international landline numbers. However, the rates for international calls are different from local calls, and you might need to activate the international call service.

Remember, Globe’s customer service is ready to assist you with any difficulties you encounter while using their service.


Globe’s comprehensive mobile service extends beyond texting and surfing the web; it also allows you to call landline numbers both locally and internationally. This guide is designed to help you understand how to use your Globe mobile to make these calls. It’s important to note, however, that while the steps provided are generally reliable, sometimes network issues can interfere with call quality. In these instances, Globe’s customer service is always ready to help. So with this knowledge at your fingertips, you can confidently dial that landline number knowing you’ve got the backing of Globe’s robust mobile service.

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