
Branding: How to Check Username Availability Across Multiple Online Platforms


Universal usernames are an important part of building your brand and inbound marketing for your product or service. While deciding a brand name, we usually have a few shortlists and check the domain name, Facebook username and Twitter handle availability and finalize a name based on that. However, with the increase effect of social media and bookmarking on website rankings and SEO, it is important to check usernames on a large number of other online platforms.

KnowEm is an online tool that lets you quickly check if your brand name is available on 550+ social media platforms. Apart from social media usernames, the website also checks 150+ domain names for your brand. You can search for the brand name on all the platforms and then go and sign up on each to reserve the username. KnowEm also has a premium option where they sign up on all the platform for you.

It is a very useful tool to secure and reserve your brand online. Keeping the usernames for future is never a bad idea! You can also use this tool to check which websites have you already registered on and news ones you can try! Let us know what you think of this tool or if you know of any other similar branding tool.


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